How to Harvard Reference a Website

Referencing is a very significant part of writing in academics. It entails the readers about whether the sources used in the study are relevant and how to find them (Azizah et al., 2021). These are significant as these references boost the credibility of the information provided in the article or the journal. Harvard referencing is one of the most common and prominent referencing styles used in academic writing in the universities of the United Kingdom. It appears at the last of the study, where all the references are arranged alphabetically. One can also use the corresponding number with the quotation in expressions used in the study. The list of references is utilised to ensure the authenticity of the sources of information and their origins. Each of the quotations also involves a list of sources which consists of various bits of details, including pages and page numbers; the same title of the topic; the place where the study is published; the name of the author; the publishing firm and the releasing year (Azizah et al., 2021). It helps the readers check these references if they need them for further study. The list of references varies depending on the source type, as various relevant information is on different websites. This referencing style is utilised by scholars of Philosophy, Behavioural Science and Arts, while this referencing style can also be used in other subjects (Williams et al., 2013). Some of the most standard approaches utilised to cite the information are discussed below –

Article quotation

  • It can help write content or concepts from different places using text quotes.
  • Complete references must be listed at the very end of the page
  • All the quoted texts must be listed in alphabetical order at the last of the page or the text like in media sites, conferences, journals, articles or podcasts. All the references must include all the important information for anyone to identify the object’s source.

Content Reference Type

There is a need to establish a category for its roots, such as academic journals or novels or articles, as well as a requirement to utilise an appropriate layout and manual for referencing, which aids in making these references more accessible for the readers.
Furthermore, the study also consists of a bibliography if un corporate objects are included in the study but are associated with the content written and relevant to the readers.

The layout format for referencing in Harvard style includes the following –

  • Putting the references before notes that are explanatory at the very last of the study
  • List all the sources and sort them out alphabetically according to the name of the writer
  • Fill in all the names of the authors
  • Making use of italics for writing the titles, papers and articles that are independent works

Source Referencing

Attaching the references list in the section where references are mentioned is required. The title and heading of the study must also be mentioned in the list of references (Thomas, 2022). Then the entry of the bibliography is also mentioned for the cited information source and, thus, provides the reference list for all the information sources in the referencing format of Harvard.

Quotation of Different References

Different quotes all over the study can be utilised, and one can also direct these quotes from some famous references in a contradictory direction to determine each quotation with a punctuation mark of the semi-colon (;). And, if some of the references are written in the same year, they should be arranged in alphabetical order with the name of the author.

Structure of Writing a Reference

  • Headline – It defines the headline of an entire report or research. And, if any published information source is used, it must be mentioned in the reference list.
  • Title – This is the title of the research or the project.
  • Source – It defines the browser’s address or the URL of the source of information.
  • Object form with details – Individuals writing the project must reference certain items that are specific in terms such as digital downloads, tweets, audiobooks and e-books. These also include the publisher’s details, the URL links or the website’s address.
  • Creator or Maker – All the details of the entities or the individuals that are used to create the content must be mentioned in the list of references.
  • Date – It entails the date, month and the year
  • Publication date – This entails the place or the location and includes the publisher’s details.

Steps for Writing Reference in the Harvard Style

The steps of writing a reference for a website or a web page in Harvard style are as follows –

  • Author name or organisation name
  • Publication year of the article or the journal
  • The page title
  • URL of the website
  • Accessed date of the website

Example of Harvard reference

The surname of the author, initial of the first name. (Year of publication) title of the page. URL. (Accessed: date, month, year)

Assignments, A. (2023) Assignment Writing Services. Available at: (Accessed: 10 June 2023)

In-text Example

(Surname, year)
(Assignments, 2023)

Sources with multiple authors

There are references where two authors are listed; if this is the case, then it is written as –

(surname of 1st author and surname of 2nd author, year of publication)

(Barrett and Davis, 2019)

There are references where more than two authors are listed; if this is the case, then it is written as –
(Surname of 1st author et al., year of publication)

(Davis et al., 2023)

Sources with no publication date

Some references need to include the full information that is needed for referencing. Sometimes, the sources utilised in the study need the date and year of publication and the author’s name.
When a source of information does not include the date of publication, ‘no date’ can be written at the place of year or date of publication. For instance, any old historical document or any reference source which is constantly updated, such as Wikipedia.

In-text citation
(Davis, no date)

(Davis, A and Barrett, M. (no date) How to Harvard reference a website. Available at: URL (Accessed: 13 May 2023)

Sources with no author

When any source of information needs the author’s name, it must be the organisation’s mistake. In such cases, the organisation’s name is credited instead of the author’s name, as in the case of Wikipedia and Google. If the author’s name of the source of information is not identified, one can replace the author`s name with the source title.

In-text citations
(Google Scholar, year of publication)

Google Scholar, year of publication. Available at: URL (Accessed: 27 May 2023)

We can generate Harvard referencing styles from ‘Cite this for me’. We can first select whether the information source is an article, journal, research paper, or any website or book. Then, we have to enter the information’s name or title. Then we have to fill in all the necessary details such as the author’s name or authors, date and year of publication, volume number and page number. And then click on continue. It will automatically generate the reference in Harvard style.
Another popular method for writing a reference in Harvard style is to cite the reference from google scholar. Firstly, the study’s title must be searched in the search bar. Then, by clicking on cite, we can find the references of that particular journal, article, or website in different referencing styles. We can select the Harvard style of referencing and can copy and paste it.


This section describes the overall summary of the Harvard referencing style on a website. To write the references in the Harvard referencing style, one must follow all the above rules. Individuals can also make use of the same words that are taken from some source to quote, as well as the URLs or the browser links of the website can also be used. All the necessary information required for writing a reference in Harvard style is explained in detail.


  • Azizah, N.N., Maryanti, R. and Nandiyanto, A.B.D., 2021. How to search and manage references with a specific referencing style using google scholar: From step-by-step processing for users to the practical examples in referencing education. Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 1(2), pp.267-294.
  • Thomas, G., 2022. How to do your research project: A guide for students. How to do your research project, 7(9), pp.1-100.
  • Williams, H., Elkin, J. and Ortega, M., 2013. Creating a new Harvard referencing guide at the University of Lincoln. SCONUL Focus, 59, pp.51-53.

Author Bio: Mark Edmonds is a distinguished assignment writer at Academic Assignments, recognized for his exceptional expertise in delivering high-quality assignment help to students. With a passion for research and a deep understanding of various academic disciplines, Mark possesses extensive knowledge of referencing styles, including the renowned Harvard referencing system. He has assisted countless students in mastering the art of properly citing sources from websites, ensuring the avoidance of plagiarism and promoting academic integrity. With his strong commitment to excellence, Mark continues to empower students with valuable insights, helping them achieve academic success in their assignments.