Essay About The Importance of Water Conservation
What is Water Conservation?
Water conservation entails the careful utilisation and preservation of the water supply, considering both its quality and quantity. In other words, water conservation refers to the efficient use of water and avoiding water wastage to ensure that our future generation has enough access to water. To be very precise, water conservation aims at the judicious use of water resources. Water is a precious and finite resource, and thus it is our today to make sustainable use of water resources. With the increase in the population explosion, there has been a serious threat to water resources. In addition, there has been negligence of the water bodies and unpredictable use of the surface water and the groundwater systems.
The Earth does not possess a sufficient amount of water. 71 per cent of the surface of the earth is occupied by water (California-Great Basin, 2023). In addition, 2.5 per cent of the earth’s fresh water is not available for consumption as it is captured in the polar ice caps and the glaciers. Only 0.5 per cent of the water is suitable for drinking. Thus this calls for the need for water conservation.
In every part of the world, water conservation has become very important. It is regarded as the environmentally friendly and the most practical approach to water preservation.
There are various types of problems related to water. It has been estimated that about 900 to 1.1 billion people across the world cannot afford to have clean drinking water. In addition to this, it has been noted that about 2.4 billion people do not have access to basic sanitation (, 2023). The United Nations has estimated that in 2025 about 8 billion people will have to go through the phase of water scarcity. Most people will need water access to meet their basic demands.
Who initiated the water conservation?
In the United States, the water conservation movement was initiated by Gifford Pinchot in the late 1890s. The observations of environmental destruction inspired his ideas regarding water conservation. Also, he was awed and inspired by the writings of John Wesley Powell and George Perkins Marsh. The projects and the programs related to water conservation played a significant role in restoring the United States during the Great Depression.
Compared to the European countries, the UK has less water. About 150 litres of water every day are used by an average person in the United States. The chief executive of the Environment Agency, Sir James Bevan, warned that the country’s position is at a threatening position owing to the severity of water that it s going to face in the future. In 25 years, it will approach the “jaw of death (, 2023).”
To address the rising concern of the water shortage, the “Love Water” campaign raised awareness about the significance of water conservation. In other words, this campaign raises the concerns of all citizens to show equal concern in preserving the water. Many people have joined in this campaign to tackle issues such as waste and pollution. Furthermore, the companies and businesses are invited by the “Love Water campaign” utilising promotional activity to protect water and safeguard the environment by lessening the detrimental effect of waste and pollution. This campaign has been organised as a part of the “Year of Green Action”. This enables the people to connect in protecting and preserving the environment.
What are the main reasons for water conservation?
In the UK, many reasons are the leading causes of water conservation. These are discussed below as follows:
- Climatic Changes
The scarcity of rainfall in the UK makes it cumbersome to predict water availability. In addition, flooding and droughts are becoming common in the UK. In combating climatic change, tree planting is an essential step. Nevertheless, if more trees are planted, it will also place heavy demand on the existing water resources.
- Increase in population
According to projections by the Office of National Statistics, the population of the UK is anticipated to grow from an estimated 65.6 million to 69.2 million by mid-2026. By mid-2029, the population is expected to reach 70 million and further increase to 72.9 million by mid-2041 (source:, 2023). Consequently, water abstraction rates may need to be adjusted to ensure sustainability, as a larger population necessitates increased water consumption and potentially strains water resources.
- Changes in the rivers, land and the wetland use
The quantity of water that is available to abstract the water is reducing day by day. In addition, there is also a need to reduce water abstraction from other sources as it is likely to have a detrimental effect on the environment.
- Leakages and water losses
It was reported in 2017 that a shocking 3 billion litres of water were wasted every day, mainly from the leakages. In Wales and England, water companies are losing almost 1 litre of water utilising leaky pipes as per the largest figures of the sectors. The industry, along with its financial regulator, Ofwat, asserts that the water companies are losing average water of 2923 million litres of ware every day, which continued between 2021-2022. In addition, the largest volume of water is leaked by the Thames, as per the industry body of the UK. It lost about 217 bn litres of water (gov. uk,2021). In this regard, the companies have been incorporating innovation and technology. Smart sensors, drones, intelligent networks and satellite technology are deployed in an increasing number to detect and fix the leakages accordingly.
Waters Worth Saving is a water conservation initiative in the United Kingdom that focuses on raising public awareness about water conservation practices at home. This national campaign aims to provide guidance and suggestions to individuals, encouraging them to save water and adopt more environmentally friendly habits. In 2020, the campaign was launched on various social media platforms, reaching approximately 21 million people. The decision to launch the campaign on social media was prompted by the growing demand for water during dry weather conditions. The initiative operates during both the summer and winter seasons and collaborates with the Energy Saving Trust.
What are the steps of water conservation?
The UK takes enough measures to encourage those products that are water-efficient
and initiate a consistent approach to prevent the leakage of water. In England, plans are being developed to help households use water more efficiently. This is regarded as a part of the ambitious agenda the environmental secretary has declared. To address the public’s consultation on the uses of water, a 25-year Environmental Plan has been set to achieve clear and abundant water. This also comprises the 2050 Government’s net zero targets to reduce consumption of energy in homes as heating the water requires 17 per cent of energy use of the households.
In other words, the water supply has come under increasing pressure due to the changes in the climate and the growth in the population. Commitments are being proposed to protect the supplies of water in the future. The proposals comprise the
- Introducing water efficiency labels for various kinds of materials, such as showers and dishwashers, will enable people to make suitable decisions about how they can save water in their daily lives.
- Advising the companies to acquire a consistent approach to fix the leakage of the customer supply pipe. About 25 per cent of the total leakage in the last 10 years has occurred from the customer supply pipes.
- Local authorities are encouraged to acquire strict standards of 110 litres of water per person daily compared to the daily norm of 125 litres. For instance, the new homes must install fittings and fixtures that will be more efficient.
- Developing a roadmap that will adhere to greater water efficiency is necessary. This comprises options such as water reuse storage options and road water harvest.
The National Framework for Water Resources aims to lessen the individualised consumption of water to 110 litres by 2050, each person every day.
- Taking a quick shower instead of a bath during the heatwaves in the UK can help reduce the amount of wasted water. For example, 6 litres of water can be saved in this manner.
- Turning off the taps when water is not in use is necessary.
- It is necessary to install a water-saving device as the presence of the old water cisterns wastes 13 litres of water per flush. Even the Environmental Agency recommends installing water-saving devices in the toilet.
- Avoid using hosepipes in the local area as the hosepipes lead to the enormous wastage of water.
- It is also suggested to avoid watering the lawn. Instead, a water butt can be installed that will help capture the rainwater and further help water the lawn and the plants.
- California-Great Basin, B. of R. (no date) Central California Area Office, Water Facts – Worldwide Water Supply | ARWEC| CCAO | Area Offices | California-Great Basin | Bureau of Reclamation. Available at: (Accessed: 30 May 2023).
- (2023) The Berkey. Available at: (Accessed: 30 May 2023).
- (2023) Water UK. Available at: (Accessed: 30 May 2023).
- (2023) Available at: (Accessed: 30 May 2023).
- (2021) New water saving measures to safeguard supplies, GOV.UK. Available at: (Accessed: 30 May 2023).
- Define water conservation.
Ans: Water conservation refers to the efficient use of water and avoiding water wastage to ensure that our future generation has enough access to water. In addition, it is also referred to as the sustainable and judicious use of water resources. - What percentage of fresh water is not available for consumption?
Ans: About 2.5 per cent of freshwater is captured in the glaciers and the ice caps that are unavailable for consumption. - State the main reasons for water conservation.
Ans: The main reasons for water conservation are drastic changes in the climate, population explosion, leakages and water loss from the pipes and changes in the wetland use, land and river. - Name a campaign that aims at the conservation of water.
Ans: The campaign that aims to conserve water is Waters Worth Saving. - What is the aim of the National Framework for Water Resources?
Ans: The aim is to reduce the personal consumption of water to 110 litres by 2050 per person per day.
Author Bio: Mark Edmonds is an accomplished writer and academic professional working at Academic Assignments, a reputable provider of high-quality essay writing service for students. With extensive experience in the field, Mark has developed a profound understanding of the importance of water conservation. He is passionate about raising awareness and inspiring action to preserve this vital resource. Mark’s expertise extends beyond writing, as he also excels in providing top-notch assignment help to students. Recognized for his dedication and commitment to excellence, Mark ensures that students receive the best assistance, guiding them towards academic success. His knowledge, skill, and unwavering commitment make him a trusted and invaluable asset to the Academic Assignments team.